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There is great complicity between man and the voice/word of God. We are the result of many voices. From that of the Creator in the garden to that of parents, teachers, pastors, and friends.
To live, therefore, is to seek the trustworthy Voice. The Voice is superior to all others by its result.
FesPaChrist, is your periodical for meditation on the WORD of GOD. Indeed, it helps us to build our faith. The Lord recommends us to keep his WORD. Meditation is one way to meet this recommendation. Having time with the WORD transforms our understanding; it gives us the ability to manage daily life in a divine way.
FesPaChrist, in all languages.

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.4”

Why do you have evil thoughts…

Here is a word that reveals the deity of Christ. No human being can know the thoughts of the human heart. The Lord Jesus Christ shows us by these words that the heart of man is not hidden before God. Heb.4.12, certify to us that “All is bare and uncovered before God”.

Beloved let us walk in the fear of God. And let’s be the most sincere, knowing that God sees everything, and one day, will judge all things.

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.5-7”

The Son of Man has the Power…

Here is a capital affirmation for all Christians. It is really essential for us to know that our Lord has power over all things. This power is effective for both physical and spiritual life. By his power, our Lord and Master forgives us, delivers us, and protects us from the Devil’s kingdom in all its forms and camouflage.

By his power, the Lord Jesus Christ brings us into true rest. And it gives us back to walking with our own legs. They restore us.

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.9”

Follow me…

This is the supreme invitation. This sentence is of indescribable importance. It has both the value of a conscious commitment to the Lord. But at the same time, it is a word of guarantee and a key that opens access to spiritual dimensions such that no one can guarantee it to us. Only the person who knows the way can ask that we follow it. But what about Christ, who himself is the Way (John 14:6)?

Beloved, we all have an interest in following the Lord so that, like Matthew, our names are written in the book of life of the Lamb of God (Rev 13.8).

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.12”

It is the sick who need the Doctor…

Here is a word full of revelations. By these words, the Lord Jesus Christ reveals to us on the one hand the true nature of sin. Sin is that disease, which all mankind contracted through Adam’s weakness (See Gse 3). And on the other hand, the master gives us the revelation of the possibility for every man to be cured of this disease. In addition, the Lord sets the general condition for being healed: RECOGNIZE YOUR STATE. He says: that only the sick need the doctor.

Beloved, to overcome any sin, the condition is to recognize that one is a sinner. Jacob and the thief on the cross both recognized their condition (Gse 32.27-28/Luke 23.41).

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.13”

I delight in mercy…

Here is a word that reveals the heart of God. The Bible says the death of a sinner does not gladden the heart of God. Man in his selfishness, man is ready to make great sacrifices, to deserve something. On the other hand, it is impossible for man to believe in what was already done for him. This is why we are not quick to show mercy to others. And yet the Bible assures us that mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13).

We have a merciful Father.

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.15”

Can the friends of the bridegroom grieve?…

Here is a question that demonstrates the quality that the Lord offers us. The Lord Jesus Christ looks to us as his friends. For the Lord, we have the place of friends. A friend is more than a brother. In the unfortunate situation, the friend, the real one is always present. In our situation of SIN, Christ our best friend was not ashamed of us. On the other hand, the Lord says: I will proclaim your name among my brothers (See Psalms 22.22, Heb.2.12).

Beloved, let us treasure our friendship with the Lord. The only sin is against nature in the face of this faulty relationship. And if you happen to sin, Christ alone will be helpful to you (See 1 John 2:1).

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.16”

No one puts a new piece of cloth on an old coat…

Here is the advice of the Lord. Aware that he has come to bring us new things, the Lord does not leave us to fend for ourselves. His advice is a major contribution to our walk with Him. To Nicodemus, the master said: we must be born again (See John 3). If we do not realize this need, for us to be truly restored, all in all, we will not be effective in the Christian life.

Without this awareness, confusion will forever be our lot in the so-called Christian life.

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.17”

A new wine besides new…

Here is a word from the Lord that digs the thirst for the divine in us. Wine is a symbolic image in the Bible that speaks of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God brings us new life. The life above (See Col.3.1-5). However, we do not have the possibility of changing bodies. The message here in this verse is that we must henceforth use our bodies in that lifestyle that glorifies the Lord in all things (See 1 Cor.6.19).

The true presence of the Holy Spirit is manifested in a pure life. Claiming to have the Spirit is not enough, we would have to have a life that demonstrates this in what we use our whole body to do.

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.18-22”

Take courage, my daughter…

Here is a word of encouragement for the life of faith. Nothing is impossible for us absolutely nothing. However, the biggest problem with us is at the level of faith. Faith is therefore this attitude of full trust in God. An attitude maintained with conscience, on the person of God. We must learn to stop doing things by habit. It’s a trap of the Devil. By faith we, therefore, do everything, even making God JOYFUL for us (See Heb.11.6).

Christ also encourages us like this woman with the issue of blood, to live by FAITH.

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.22-26”

Withdraw because the girl is not dead…

Here is an application of Faith. Before arriving in this house where he is expected, Christ is on the road to encourage the practice of the faith of this girl who had just been healed of the issue of blood. When arriving in the house, we see the Lord practicing his teaching. The Lord shows us how faith sees reality differently. To the girl’s Father, she was dead, but to Christ, that girl was sleeping.

We must understand that the most important thing is not the fact of encountering difficult situations. But it is rather how we react in these situations. So, it is our good reactions to difficulties that increase our faith. Because indeed, the simple fact for us to encounter difficult situations is not effective. Let us learn to exercise our faith, by declarations (See 2Cor.4.13).

 Jesus Said: “Matt.9.28-29”

Do you believe that I can do that?…

Here is a challenging question about the exercise of faith. Whenever the Lord had healed the sick in the Bible, it had been made possible by the Faith of the people concerned. Beloved, the Lord wants us to give Him permission to act. It is only by your faith that the Lord finds this possibility of acting on our personal behalf. Note that it will be done to us according to our faith.

Do you believe he can do it?

Jesus Said: “Matt.9.30”

Take care that no one finds out…

Here is an invitation to discretion. This discretion is not turned towards the fact of the healing granted to the blind. But it is rather relative to the disclosure of the messianic title of the Lord. This prohibition is therefore an act of wisdom for the Lord. The Lord had never been the author of genealogical discussions. His goal was clear and precise. Preached for the blind to receive their sight, the sick to heal and the captives to be delivered. We need wisdom in carrying out our ministry. We are called to watch so as not to give the Devil the advantage over us in our race here on earth (2 Cor.2.11).

 Jesus Said: “Matt.9.36-38”

So pray to the master of the harvest…

Here is the Lord who speaks of Prayer in the face of the need and the greatness of the task. For those who make fun of Christians in Africa praying because of need, they will never be right. Indeed, whenever the Bible speaks of Prayer, there is at least one of the following elements:

•A matter of relationship and belonging (2Chro.7.14);

• A need to be satisfied (Matt 7.7);

•A task to accomplish (Acts 4:23-31).

Beloved, let us love and practice prayer. It is God’s strategy for all generations of Christians under the sun.

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