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Fespachrist/Matthew 01-08

Meditate on the word of God. This is the greatest way we have to strengthen our trust in God. Indeed, the knowledge of our God, is the greatest foundation of our faith in Him.
We invite you, indeed, to set aside a good time with the word of God. Because, our God reveals himself by his Word.

Jesus said: «Matt.3.15»

We were doing everything right

Here is a challenging word, the Lord at the very beginning of his ministry draws attention to JUSTICE, in its true nature. He permits and encourages John the Baptist to carry out his ministry (baptize) towards him, He the Creator. Equity is the very nature of God’s justice, that justice which does not work for EQUALITY, but rather for IMPARTIALITY. This therefore in the name of FAIRNESS that God reserves the eternity of Peace to those who will place their faith in Christ, and that unfortunately, and despite God, Hell will welcome those who choose other people, path, and life than JESUS CHRIST (Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life… John 14:6).

Jesus said: «Matt.4.4»

Man will not live on bread alone

This is a sure word, the body is nourished by all the produce of the earth, and the spirit of man is nourished by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. True stability in life is produced by the awareness of the value of the WORD of GOD and of its knowledge that comes to us from its practical application in our daily life. In the face of existential questions, our response place must be the expression of our trust (FAITH) in God, who is the source of our stability and security (Every Day His Sorrow Matt.

Jesus said: «Matt.4.7»

It is also written…

Here is a good reaction, the Lord supports his reaction on WHAT IS WRITTEN and not on what he thinks or feels, or on his imagination. We must know that our feelings, thoughts, imaginations, and things of this kind, do not operate in the realm of the spiritual, for they influence neither God nor even less the Devil; the only thing that is OPERATIVE in the realm of the spirit is the WORD of God, for it engages God directly and personally (The WORD of God is an effective weapon in Spiritual Warfare Eph 6:17). And the WORD OF GOD puts the Devil in his place. Let us know and smooth this WORD.

Jesus said: «Matt.4.10»

Withdraw yourself Satan…

Here is order, the force of the orders that the Lord intimate to Satan, is based on his knowledge of the scriptures. The Lord parallels the taking of authority over the Devil and the worshipping life.

Here is the truth:

  1. a) No one can exercise authority over the Devil, only the One whose way of life and style is worth a perfume of good smell to the Lord;
  2. b) Worship is not limited to songs called hymns of worship of God during worship, but rather is a way of life (Jonah 1:9 NIV).

Jesus said: «Matt.4.10c»

You will serve him alone…

This is the purpose of our earthly existence, God has designed a plan concerning His good pleasure in your life and my life (Jer 29:11). It is for this reason that everyone who commits suicide sins because he puts himself out of the plan of God who is the only master of our breath (Ps 139:13-18). Before being a matter of PLEASURE life is, first of all, a matter of RESPONSIBILITY before God. For we are called to serve God on Earth.

Jesus said: «Matt.4.17»

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…

Here is an order to obey to access eternal life, repentance consists of two elements which are:

  1. a) Become aware of his state of loss because of SIN and sincerely regretted his sinful nature;
  2. b) Make the firm decision not to return to this life of SIN, and offer himself as a slave to the Lord who saves him from eternal death.

The Lord does not speak of penance but repentance the difference between the two, is at the level of the process penitent purges his punishment by his force, and a repentant humbles himself at the feet of one who can erase and remove his faults (This is the lamb of God who takes away the SIN of the world John 1:29).

Jesus said: «Matt.4.18»

Follow me and I will make you…

Here is an invitation from the Lord for our eternal happiness, by this word, the Lord makes the general summary of man’s life on earth, from the very first man Adam in the garden to the very last who was born. In this invitation, the Lord offers man the possibility of rediscovering COMMUNION with God (Follow me…), because it is the first thing lost by the man in the Garden of Eden, then he offers the man his EXPERTISE (I will make you…) to regain the position of intimacy with God, for the nature of sin inherited from Adam prevents us from taking initiatives for our salvation. And the Lord wants to help you, and he is waiting to see your answer (Rev 3:20) and even intercedes for you (Heb 7:25) so that you may choose well.

Jesus Said: “Matt.4.18”

Follow me and I will make you…

Here is an invitation from the Lord for our eternal happiness by this word, the Lord makes the general summary of the life of man on earth, from the very first man Adam to the garden to the very last that will be born in the last place. In this invitation, the Lord offers man the possibility of rediscovering COMMUNION with God (Follow me…), because it is the first thing that man loses in the Garden of Eden, and then he offers the man his EXPERTISE (I will make you…) to regain the position of intimacy with God, for the nature of the sin inherited from Adam totally prevents us from taking initiatives for our salvation. And the Lord wants to help you, and he is waiting to see your answer (Rev.3.20) and even intercedes for you (Heb.7.25) so that you may choose well.

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.3”

Blessed are the poor in spirit…

Here is a word of contradiction, to be happy in poverty, by this word the Lord instructs us on the only effective way to go through a pleasant state in life: we should be aware of it. Anyone who knows what situation he is in will know how to explain his problem in order to find the solution that is the very reason why the Lord declares him to be happy. Ignorance of your problem will always take you away from the solution.

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.4”

Blessed are the afflicted, for they shall be comforted …

Here is a sure word, the Lord has a special thought for all his children who are facing grief, deep dejection, misfortunes, and catastrophes. The thought of the Lord is that of deliverance, like that of the children of Israel in Egypt.

Let’s hold on to the Father’s rescue.

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.5”

Blessed are humble…

Here is a well-weighed word, a humble man is not one whose personality is erased, and who denies any possibility of expressing his opinions and defending his rights. In biblical thought, the humble man is anyone who modestly recognizes his identity, abilities, and weaknesses.

The proud are those who believe they are what they are not and may never be able to become.

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.6”

Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty…

Here is a word of contradiction, HUNGER and THIRST, a pictorial language to describe the force that determines every person determined to live according to God’s thought, and to see the satisfactory fulfillment of God’s righteousness among men. These two words are manifested by the strength to take what is outside (water and food) to put it in us, in order to live well.

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.7”

Blessed are the merciful…

Here is a special word, to have a sensitive and compassionate heart in the face of the misery of others; this is the specialty of BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY.

Do you have that heart?

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.8”

Blessed are those who have a pure heart…

Here is an effective word; with this word the Lord sets the condition of seeing God. To be sincere and upright is the condition for seeing God, in the presence of whom no dishonest or trickster will have access.

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.9”

Blessed are those who bring peace…

Here is a word of a promise of pride, by this word the Lord recognizes, confirms, and assures that the need for belonging to God, who clothes the human heart, will one day be fulfilled. But for this, we must now work to spread the only message of peace which is the Gospel.

Jesus Said: “Matt.5.10”

Blessed are those who are persecuted for justice…

Here is a word of contradiction; we are called as Christians to do what God expects us to do, that is, to live piously in Christ (2Tim.3.12). The Christian faith will not align with the definition of justice according to the world veiled the knot of contradiction.

Jesus Said: “Matt 5:11-12”

Will you be happy when you are insulted…

Here is a warning word about a less enthusiastic future, in its sincerity; the Lord has hidden nothing from us in terms of the things that await us in our walk of faith in his person. Let us be prepared for the worst, for eternal life is a pearl of great value and this is our reward.

Jesus Said: “Matt 5:13-16”

You are the salt… you are the light of the earth…

Here is a word to be meditated on, through them, the Lord reveals to us by two strong images that we are Christians. Salt gives taste to food, and gives taste to the lives of others. Salt preserves true values… And light makes it possible to see everything in its true nature, shape, color, and destination.

Jesus Said: “Matt 5:17-20”

The whole plan of God will come true…

Here is a word of confirmation, God’s plan, which is the reflection of his authority, faithfulness, and love, will be fulfilled as God intended. Thus, neither the change of time or circumstance nor the intervention of the human will or its inability to obey will hinder its fulfillment. Only let us pray to receive strength in order to live with a justice greater than that of the interpreters of the law.

Jesus Said: “Matt 5:21-22”

You waited until….

But I’m telling you— here is a word of change of mentality, by these words the Master, make a revolution of the thought of his audience in view of making him worthy of the kingdom of Heaven. We are Christians and this must be reflected in our approach to daily life. We must know that the Lord judges the thoughts of the heart, which are actions not yet externalized by deeds.

Jesus Said: “Matt 5:23-24”

So if you present your offering…

Here is a serious word about your devotion, by this word the Lord Jesus Christ raises the equivocation about the state of the heart that wants to be worshipped but is not in a state. A resentful, hateful, offended or offended heart cannot worship, for faith is operational only in a heart where love reigns as the one atmosphere.

Jesus Said: “Matt 5:25-26”

Be quick with your opponent…

Here is a practical, direct, and very effective wisdom, the only way to fight effectively with one’s adversary, is to find common ground, and this without the intervention of a third party, which often causes complications and hardening of the situation. Every opponent is initially a partner in a case.

Jesus Said: “Matt 6:19-20”

Do not accumulate wealth in this world…Rather, do you accumulate treasures in heaven…

Here is a word of correction, by this word; the Lord reorients our conception of work. No work for work. He who works to become rich on earth, he works for his eternal poverty, but all whose work is advanced, here on earth the kingdom of God, will reap a hundredfold in heaven while having, and being in the eternal presence of God. Let us work yes, but for and with God.

Jesus Said: “Matt.6.21”

For where your treasure is, there too will be your heart…

Here is a truth of nature to refocus a whole life; the order of things in the word of the Lord is the keystone to reframe your life, and your walk, you who are lost in the search for the treasure.

Your heart is quoted after the treasure as if to inform you that your heart is not capable of conceiving and defining your true treasure, but rather is capable of recognizing and being attracted by this true treasure which is God. The day you discover GOD, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE.

Please God, let this day be today.

Jesus Said: “Matt 6:22-23”

The eyes are like a lamp for the body…

Here is compelling information, our eyes are very important for the sole reason that they are one of the windows of ours souls. The inner light, is a pictorial language to speak of the thoughts of the human heart. Thought is always at the base of actions and actions make new thoughts germinate, influence, and strengthened.

Our inner light becomes darkness when our thought is corrupted and defiled by bad desires and bad words.

Jesus Said: “Matt.6.24”

No one can serve two masters…

Here is a word that excludes all complacency, the Lord Jesus Christ wants to have to do with men and women who are determined, and whose heart is entirely subject to him. A firm decision, allows the Lord to help us in our walk with Him.

Let us be courageous for the Lord in our march.

Jesus Said: “Matt 6:25-29”

Don’t you worry about…

Here is a word of readjustment, by these words the Lord of Glory Jesus Christ makes a call to order about our approach to the realities of everyday life. Our gaze on existential questions must proceed on our Identity, Position, and Trust in God, who is our PERE and KING. In the Garden of Eden, the temptation of the devil was based on a proposal open to questions of existence (You will not die… Gen.3.5). Intelligence is defined as the ability of a human being to adapt to a situation…

Jesus Said: “Matt.6.30-34”

Seek first the kingdom and righteousness of God…

Here is a word of realignment and prioritization, Here the Lord Jesus Christ speaks in REALISTIC mode. The realism of the Lord brings us right back to our real priority: the Kingdom and the Justice of God. This is God’s concern for all mankind (God wants us to be born again/see John 3:5-7, and to experience deliverance from our burdens, and healing). The Lord gives us the key to FILL the greatest concern of GOD’s heart; it is to develop the FATHER/SON RELATIONSHIP with God. The Lord says YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS.

My relationship with God, your relationship with God is the only way that allows us to live on earth the realization of the Kingdom and the Justice of God. All that concerns God for you and me, which of seeing us consider him as our Father and maintain the FATHER/SON relationship with him. The Son knows the will of the Father. Only those who are in true communion with the Father will be able to PRIORITIZE the need for God without neglecting the other needs related to our daily life.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7. 1-6”

Do not judge, lest you be judged…

Here is a word that invites us to prudence and honesty. By these words, the Lord Jesus Christ reminds us of a series of important truths in life. First, the Lord teaches us to know how to take a step back. And reserve ourselves for the business of others. The Lord, therefore, invites us to self-mastery. Second, the Lord reminds us that all effective action in the life of another is that which begins within ourselves.

Our Problem

Very often, our problems are hidden by our subjectivity, to the point that we do not realize their seriousness. And very, unfortunately, we rush to the problems of others, thinking we can remedy them effectively. And finally, the Lord, warns us of hypocrisy. We act like hypocrites, whenever we stifle the awareness of our situation vis-à-vis the other. This is therefore the reason why we sometimes confuse things, to the point of throwing the pearls at the pigs. Effectiveness in the Christian walk depends more on our sincerity than on our knowledge and skills.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7. 7-10”

Ask, Seek, and Knock…

Here is a word that invites us to multidimensional action. The Lord invites us to be active, as he himself is active. Indeed, Heb.7.25 tells us that the Lord is interceding for us. Indeed, these three types of actions establish the balance of the Christian.

The Main and Important Verbs…

Furthermore, these verbs emphasize our direct relationship with God. Indeed, the first verb instructs us on our quality as children of God. Therefore, we have the right, and the duty, to express our desires to our Heavenly Father. Because our God and Father is the only one who actually comes to our aid. Not asking is a proud attitude. By the second verb, the Lord instructs us on our responsibility.

Ours Reactions

Indeed, we must show our trust in God, by putting ourselves in search of those things that he claims to have prepared everything for us. This is why, he can conclude, that when we really seek, we end up finding. Because effectively, the Father who is good at, cannot give us bad things. Indeed, his word is always true, in all circumstences. And finally, by the third verb, the Master, instructs us on our attitude. As children of God, we must show some aggression in the face of the realities of life.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7.12”

Anything you want…

Here’s a great word. With this word, the Lord lays the foundation for the lifestyle of all Christians. It is only through love that anything becomes possible. Do to others what you wish for yourself. This word from the Lord explains to us in a practical way the great power hidden in love. Indeed, love is the engine of all the revelation of God (The law and the prophets), because it is out of love that God revealed himself to us.

The Lord’s Certification

By this word, the Lord certifies to us that the unit of measure for actions in the Christian life is beautiful and indeed love. For we are called to put love into action. This therefore our own person, which serves as a reference. That is to say, as much as we take care of ourselves, we must do it for others people. This is a good exercise. Because we are placed under observation on our own love, and at the same time, our way of expressing love to the other, is also put to the test.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7.13-14”

Entering through the narrow door…

Here is a word, an extraordinary invitation. She is extraordinary because she presents the truth to the guests. The gospel of Christ is good news. Thus, in his nature of truthfulness, the Lord takes care to present all the terms of the walk with Him. The narrow gate is the image that explains the specific character of walking with God. On the other hand, the wide door is relative to this lifestyle inspired by the insatiable nature of man.

Walking with Christ opens us to the nature of God. So, if our spirit is not touched by the WORD of GOD, we will find it difficult to pursue the path of the narrow gate.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7.15”

Beware of…

Here’s a word of warning. By this word, the Lord reminds us that falsehood reaches us when we do not take our responsibilities. Our main responsibility is to maintain our relationship with God. Further, this relationship is built through Prayer and Meditation on the Word. It is the effective means chosen by God, so that we can allow ourselves to recognize the fakes. Indeed, the false can cover themselves with beautiful appearances, but only that their lifestyle is contrary to the truth (THE WORD of GOD).

Jesus Said: “Matt.7.16”

You will recognize it…

Here is an affirmative word. The Lord lays the foundation and the certification consistent with the truth that there is a time for everything. When we manage to recognize the false, it means that the reign of the false has come to an end. The only effective means is constituted by the style of life, which is built around the Word and Prayer.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7.18-20”

A good tree…

Here is a word, a real observation. To speak of man, very often the Bible takes the comparative image of a tree. This is due to several reasons. And the main reason is the fact that both man and tree bear fruit. The fruit is nothing but the result of the constancy of everyday life. This is why it is impossible for a tree or a man whose daily life is of poor quality, those good results come from it. As much as the poor quality of daily life produces a poor result; as much this bad result attracts death.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7.21-23”

Those who tell me…

Here is a word that opens the doors of eternity. With these words, the Lord makes us understand that the thing that has more value is what God says about the way we live. The Lord indirectly denounces activism. In a direct way, the Lord condemns the fact that men constantly have his name in their mouths. Activism is walking and serving God, but not living for God. For indeed, to live for God is to be subject to the authority of the word of God.

Jesus Said: “Matt.7.24-27”

Whoever hears and does…

Here is a word, a counsel from the Lord. The measure the Lord uses to benefit from the power of his WORD is EVERYONE. An indefinite personal pronoun. The Lord does not discriminate. Proofs are given to us by the circumstances of the conversion of Cornelius the Roman officer (See Acts 10). The application of the word of God is of double benefit for Christians. First, it demonstrates our commitment and trust in God. And second, when we practice the word of the Lord, we are blessed. That is to say, our whole existence will reflect the glory of God.

Jesus Said: “Matt.8.3”

Yes, I want it, to be pure…

Here is a word that the Lord’s intentions for you. Knowing the truth is a very important key to walking with the Lord. It is refreshing for us to know that the Lord is willing to see us in good shape. Because the Lord himself reassures the leper by saying to him: YES I WANT IT TO BE PURE. By his compassion, the Lord cannot bear to see us in unhappy conditions.

Jesus Said: “Matt.8.4”

Go show yourself to the priest…

Here is a word that invites us to remain in conformity with the law of God. It is written, that Heaven and Earth will pass away, but the Word of God will not pass away (Matt.24.35). Any true manifestation of God always conforms to the written thought of God. When God acts even the Law bows.

Jesus Said: “Matt.8.7”

I will go and I will heal him…

Here is a word that certifies us, of the will of the Lord to see us always well. The Lord will always be of the opinion, that we can have all the things we ask of him. However, we must certify ourselves to act by faith, because it remains the only way to obtain from the Lord. The only language to which God responds is the language of FAITH.

Jesus Said: “Matt.8.10-13”

Even in Israel, I have not found such great faith…

Here is a word that certifies us that in walking with God, values ​​other than faith in God do not operate. Praising the Faith of a stranger, the Lord Jesus Christ, contrasts all covenant people. The scriptures certify that Jesus knew him all (John 2:24). This teaches us that in order to walk with God, each of us needs to have an authentic and personal Faith. The covenant that covers the people of Israel was the product of Abraham’s faith in God. And the healing of the servant of the Roman officer was also the fruit of his personal and authentic Faith placed in God.

Jesus Said: “Matt.8.20-22”

Foxes have dens…

Here is a saying about it. The Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is a person who hides absolutely nothing from us. He will always present to us the truth about our commitment to follow Him. When the truth is hidden at the time of an engagement, it shows that one of the two parties in the contract is not sincere. And such a contract will break at the first test.

Jesus Said: “Matt.8.26”

Why are you Afraid…?

Here is a revealing question. Through this question, the Lord reveals to us the worst enemy of anyone who walks with him. Fear is special because it can fix us on things, which never existed, and which could never exist. In the boat, the disciples saw death, while God Emmanuel was in the boat with them. Before praying, think about overcoming your fears.

Jesus Said: “Matt.8.28-34”

He said to them: Come on…

Here is a reaction to a request. Here the Lord Jesus Christ is struggling with the evil spirits that tormented the fool of Gadara. One of the main lessons in this meeting is that PRAYER works as a PRINCIPLE. This is why, even when it comes to the demons, who have resorted to this principle, there has been a reaction. Beloved, let us persevere in prayer because God is respectful of the principles established by Himself.

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